5 Questions with Giselle Hernandez
March 7, 2016

JV soccer player, Giselle Hernandez, 11, was born without her left arm, but does not let that stop her from doing what she loves best: playing soccer. “I was born without an arm, so I had to get used to doing things differently,” Hernandez says. “It motivates me because I like to challenge myself at times.”\
DHS soccer player Giselle Hernandez, 11, plays a pivotal role on the JV team as defense, and the attitude she utilizes reflects the one she has gained throughout her life while overcoming the adversity of being born with only one arm.
Q1: How has not having an arm made your life easier or harder? Has it motivated you?
A1: I was born without an arm, so I had to get used to doing things differently and it motivates me because I like to challenge myself at times.
Q2: Is there someone in your life who inspires you every day? An athlete?
A2: My parents inspire me a lot, because they say that if I have my mind set to something I can do it.
Q3: What inspired you to try out for the soccer team?
A3: I wanted to be a part of something with the school, so I thought that would be good since I played soccer.
Q4: How significant has the role of sports been in your life?
A4: Soccer has helped me to be more confident about myself, because I used to be really insecure about myself, but I feel better when I play soccer.
Q5: Do you have any advice you’d like to give anyone who would like to try out for a sport, but feels discouraged to do so?
A5: I would say go for it and try out…you might not be the best at first, but if you keep working hard and pushing yourself, you’ll do better.