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The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

Opinion: Could TikTok Be Banned?

Christopher Armenta, Co-Copy Editor April 12, 2024

  How many use TikTok or any social media as a way to entertain? Or simply to grow your business, raise awareness. We all use social media as a way to be connected with our friends online or simply...

Phone Addictions

Maribel Magdaleno, Writer November 28, 2023

You may wonder why people have phone addictions. I will explain to you why many people have phone addictions and what causes phone addictions. And how we can help the people who have these addictions and...

Elon Musk’s Takeover of Twitter

Arianna Dominguez, Co-Copy Editor November 17, 2023

The report today starts with Elon Musk; CEO of Tesla and also SpaceX. The story here starts in March 2006 when Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Noah Gliss, and Biz Stone founded the social media app that would...

Manleaders: Why the Name Change?

Angelina Andrade, Copy Editor March 24, 2023

With the end of the school year approaching, there are still plenty of sports whose seasons are going on. Right now, it is the start of the powderpuff season. Powderpuff is the all-girl version of flag...

NF- Hope

NF- Hope

Anthony Torrez, Podcaster March 13, 2023

NF is an artist that always took his work seriously and incorporated his life into his music. He has never had an easy life but always kept his music real. He stays true to his slogan: “Real music till’...

10 Years Since Sandy Hook and Nothing has Changed

Cesar Lopez, Writer December 16, 2022

School is the place where friendships are formed, knowledge is gained, and interests and hobbies are adopted; a place filled with laughter and joy. Well, that place turned into a nightmare for those in...

The Dangers of Parasocial Relationships

Ximena Solorzano, Editor-in-Chief December 7, 2022

When the world entered isolation starting from the infamous March 14, 2020, many were left to the sole companionship of themselves and their phone. With the whole world at their fingertips, many adolescents...

Glamorization of Serial Killers

Abigail Gonzalez, Writer November 2, 2022

In recent years, society has taken a great fascination with one of humanity's darkest sides, serial killers. From documentaries, videos, podcasts, and movies,  these unutterable events are popularly...

Banned Book Week

Angelica Aragon and Brielle Madrigal October 24, 2022

As we go later into the school year, students take note of the autumn winds picking up as a sign that English teachers will soon let them decide their own fate.  That is to say, they will be assigned...

The Live-Action Remake of Snow White and The Issue with Performative Activism

Ximena Solorzano, Editor-in-Chief March 29, 2022

In recent years, Disney has produced many remakes and adaptations of their extensive catalog of childhood films. Ranging from classics like Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast to new, altered versions...

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