Truth About College

Kelly Zabala, Writer

At the start of second semester, many seniors found themselves finishing up college applications or possibly getting accepted into a college. With the thought of beginning a new chapter, many find themselves scared.  In reality, the transition from high school to college may not be as scary as it presents.


Some believe that college is not different from high school. You have one teacher per course and still have to maintain your grades. The biggest difference is that you are paying for it and your parents have no control over your college experience, as it is yours. Downey High graduate of 2019, David Ortiz, who is now attending the University of San Francisco, expands on this idea.


“I remember getting ready to go to my classes and expecting a whole new world in college. Teachers in high-school AP classes have you do so much work to prepare for college that I went in expecting that and more in terms of workload and attitude from students, but honestly, my first year felt like I was still in high school.” Ortiz says. “In fact, some of my college classes felt easier than AP high-school classes!”


Although David may think that college is easier than high school, everyone has a different approach. There will always be someone giving out their two cents on what worked best for them through their college years. Their advice may either benefit you or it will turn out to be meaningless. Downey High Graduate of 2019, Katia Arriaga, who now attends Laguna College of Art and Design, found her way of managing college classes outside of what others told her.


“Well, I was told that I needed to have several things to keep myself awake. Some of my professors told me that I need to pull all-nighters to finish assignments and projects.” She started. “Truth is, I didn’t need coffee or sugary energy drinks, I would work as fast and efficiently as I can to do assignments without doing them last minute. I just don’t need to lose sleep for college.“


Although it may prove difficult to learn new methods of learning, it can also help you learn more about yourself. The transition from high school to college means more than receiving a degree, which will determine what jobs are available to you, and being able to have a job that you’re happy with is important. Gabriel Ramirez, a Downey High graduate of 2018, who is now attending the University of California, Los Angeles has a lot to say about changing majors.


“I think college is definitely one of those times in one’s life when people tell you to be open and try new things and all that… It’s so easy to come in as a certain major and feel obligated to stick to it for the entirety of your undergrad career, but in reality, it is completely normal and valid to change majors.” Ramirez started. “It took me most of my first year to realize that I wanted to change my major from Econ to Math. I am definitely happier having switched into Math since I find it very interesting, and while it is certainly challenging, that makes it more rewarding to learn and figure things out!”


When it comes down to it, college is just classes you pay for to attain a degree. The knowledge that you gain from the course may broaden your abilities that will allow you to progress. Everyone has their own way of getting through things, college or not.