Ride and Stride

Alicia Garcia, Photographer

The city of Downey hosted a Ride and Stride event on Sunday, May 7 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in which four and a half miles worth  of Downey streets were closed off to vehicles. The event consisted of various activities along the route.


The alternate ways of moving through the streets included bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and even simply walking. Adults and children alike attended because of the diversity of entertainment available.


Attendees left their vehicles behind in parking lots opened specifically for the event. Some of these lots were located at Golden Park, Stonewood Mall, Downey Civic Center, and Downey High School.


Various hubs along the route included Stay Healthy Downey, Colombia Memorial Space Center, Pop! Fitness, and for food there was Grub Stop. In addition, those directed at children were Fun- topia, Kidslavia (Kids Day), and Art on the Move.
The purpose of closing off major streets in the city was for citizens to explore other methods of transportation. Ride and Stride is an annual event that allows the community to partake in activities that benefit both the environment and attendees.