About the Contributor

Jace Carlos, Illustrator
Downey Legend comic artist, Vanessa Carlos, 12, returns for the feeling of family that she had left behind in the previous year of newspaper, aiming to bring about laughter and expand the minds of her peers with his comics. In the previous year, Carlos had been involved in Downey High’s boys wrestling until a torn ACL brought this to a halt. Currently, she spends his spare time working as a cashier for his family's restaurant, T&A Taco.
Carlos has decided she will major in animation after high school, her goal being to write and animate her own cartoon show. Through her comics, Carlos attempts to encourage her readers to think outside the box in a way that also entertains the reader. In regards to this, Carlos stated, “I want them to see comedy in a different way.” She said, “I always see the same joke when it comes to comics and I want to stand out.”
Carlos has decided she will major in animation after high school, her goal being to write and animate her own cartoon show. Through her comics, Carlos attempts to encourage her readers to think outside the box in a way that also entertains the reader. In regards to this, Carlos stated, “I want them to see comedy in a different way.” She said, “I always see the same joke when it comes to comics and I want to stand out.”