A sign in the Downey Library detailing the Quartermania Fundraiser to be hosted on November 9th by the Friends. It sits on the counter in front of their bookstore.
The Friends Of The Downey Library; Who Are They?
October 29, 2024
About the Contributors

Alyssa Portillo, Photographer
First-year newsie Alyssa Portillo,12, joined The Downey Legend as a photographer, She has always been very passionate about photography on and off duty. In school, Portillo has received the Viking award twice, co-founded an art club, was a part of the avid club, and is also a writing center tutor. In the near future, she plans on going to a four-year university nearby and is planning to major in economics. Portillo perceives herself to have a very straightforward demeanor but she is also a very talkative person.
“Photography has become something I enjoy a lot I’ll walk around outside and I may just look at a random thing and think that would be such a great photo” Portillo stated. “I think photography has changed my perspective of the world a lot.”

Cristina Rhinelander, Writer
First-year Cristina Rhinelander, 17, joins the Downey Legend as a Writer. She has a burning passion for helping others. After high school, Rhinelander plans to study psychology at a community college. She is already aligning her academic career with her dream of becoming a Therapist. Interestingly, Rhinelander spends her free time reading, writing video games, or socializing with her friends. When asked what movie describes her life, she responded “Little Woman because I feel like I was trying to please others for a while, but I think eventually realized I need to start doing things for myself.” She’s an amazing person who seeks to help those around her out of the goodness of her heart.
“I've seen a lot of the help Therapy could do, especially for my parents and I want to spread that”