Held annually by the Downey City Library, Beyond the Books is a spectacular event that showcases everyone’s creativity, regardless of age. This event has been hosted for 3 consecutive years and brings many local businesses/organizations to be recognized, spread their business in Downey.
The event was met with much anticipated success, all vendors were present, allowing guests to view some of their products or learn about the organization they seek to enforce to the community. One of the organizations was Lil Libros, which stands for the mission of exposure of children to multiple languages. According to their website, they stand with diversity and the importance of connecting with other cultures, understanding their language and customs they have built for centuries.
Local vendors get their products exposed to the community, GG’s Beads and Flower Field Designs just to name a few. Vendors present at the event seemed very enthusiastic and appreciated the invitation by Downey. A few food trucks were present at the event, one including LA Donut, serving a variety of donuts but also had acai bowls for those looking for a healthy alternative.
This event is focused on teens and kids, experiencing the world through a few workshops that were made available inside the Downey City Library. The main theme of this event is to allow everyone of all ages to explore their thoughts and creativity through multiple aspects of media. Workshops from using better writing techniques to learning some pieces of the Engineering Design Process, all this build a great reputation for everyone later down the road, specifically teens.
Teens are continuously changing as our world becomes more developed in all realms. It’s important for them to be exposed to these events as this could influence them to formulate a career path for the future. Each career requires a spark, whether that includes experiencing a groundbreaking situation or influenced by a great mentor. As time goes on, they will have the knowledge to succeed in whatever path they approach after graduating high school.