Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Broun
Sharing History with Mr. Broun, a World History and AP US History teacher here at Downey High School!
November 20, 2024
About the Contributors

Alyssa Portillo, Photographer
First-year newsie Alyssa Portillo,12, joined The Downey Legend as a photographer, She has always been very passionate about photography on and off duty. In school, Portillo has received the Viking award twice, co-founded an art club, was a part of the avid club, and is also a writing center tutor. In the near future, she plans on going to a four-year university nearby and is planning to major in economics. Portillo perceives herself to have a very straightforward demeanor but she is also a very talkative person.
“Photography has become something I enjoy a lot I’ll walk around outside and I may just look at a random thing and think that would be such a great photo” Portillo stated. “I think photography has changed my perspective of the world a lot.”

Arianna Dominguez, Co-Copy Editor
As her first year as a Copy Editor and 2nd year in Newspaper, Arianna Dominguez is ready to continue her writing journey. Entering her senior year, Dominguez hopes to venture into a 4 year university, including a UC University such as UC Irvine, UC San Diego. With this in mind, Dominguez hopes to major in political science or history and she plans to minor in science-related, (Environmental Science). In the long run, Dominguez stated she hopes to become a lawyer. Using 2 words, Dominguez would describe herself as kind and compassionate to others and is respectful to her peers and displays a positive attitude. Outside of school, Dominguez likes going to the beach and reading in her spare time, and she enjoys writing, listening to music, watching movies/tv shows; characteristics that demonstrate she spends her time living life to the fullest.
“Viva La Vida,” Dominguez stated. Long Live Life.