Surpassing Asthma: Christopher Benitez


Gilberto Jijon

Showcasing one of his many abilities, senior Christopher Benitez is a self-taught musician; apart from guitar, he also learned how to play the piano. “It was a really hard experience learning it all on my own,” Benitez stated. “But after awhile of learning the guitar it felt amazing because I was able to add more to what I was learning.”

Jessica Garcia, Photographer

Growing up in a well kept home, senior Christopher Benitez was also born with severe asthma. For the last eighteen years of his life, he has kept himself from doing things he has liked to do, participating in some of his interests like swim and water polo


Being diagnosed with severe asthma for all his life, Benitez has always had troubles when it came to  growing up.  Benitez stopped himself many times when it comes to wanting to do anything athletic with his fellow classmates and siblings do to his condition.


“There were certain points in my life where I felt like giving up because of my asthma,” Benitez said. “Every time I would get in the water I would have to deal with shortness of breath but I pushed through it to do the thing I love.”


Not letting asthma stop him, Benitez still participates in all types of swimming like water polo in his sixth period class. While assuring his mother no extreme harm will come to his health, he carries on with deciding to join swim and water polo.


“I’ve always loved being in the water, so water polo and swim were the best options for me,” Benitez stated.


Starting at a young age, Benitez had always admired those who played the guitar and piano, so he chose to take it upon himself to learn how to play both instruments. Even with the struggles of learning both instruments at different times, he never let that frustration get to him.


“Teaching myself to play guitar and piano took an abundance of patience, as well as building that same patience throughout my learning experience,” Benitez said. “Practicing with the same mentality everyday was key to improving my skills.”


Even today, he never gives up on doing what he loves to do. Swimming freely and competitively while calmly playing his guitar at school and piano at home, Benitez continues to live his life to the max.