On Thurs., Mar. 20, junior Austin Rodriguez runs for senior class representative. “Think of us as President FDR and Vice President Truman,” Rodriguez said. “ I make new deals.”

The race to lead the school

April 11, 2014

ASB elections were held on campus from Mar. 25-27,for positions that will impact the school next year. The candidates posted creative signs asking students to vote for them. From hashtags to Snapchat to Facebook, there were several ways for candidates to gain the vote.

Positions were competitive (a couple having four or more candidates running in one category). Some candidates included Jonathan Jin and Solymar Lopez for Sophomore Class Representatives, Carlos Agredano and Kenneth Miranda for Junior Class Representatives, Michael Ramirez and Andrew Sanchez for Secretary, Julliana Aceituno, Joselyn De La Paz, Andres Diaz, Dylan Moreno, and Austin Rodriguez for Senior Class Representatives, and Joey Flores and Jasmine Acosta were both candidates for Vice President. Priscilla Rolon was the sole candidate running for President.

Joey Flores created campaign buttons with the hashtag “JoeyforASBVP”, created to look like Beyonce’s new album, with purple letters and a black background. Marjan Abubo, though not running, sent a snap via Snapchat showing himself wearing an American flag and encouraging students to vote, saying that it was “the American way”. Candidates created posters that encouraged students to vote for them. The hashtags, snaps, tweets, and Facebook posts show that technology cannot only be a tool for national elections, but can be used for school elections as well.

Being a member of ASB is no light task. The members know that ASB requires a tremendous amount of dedication. Junior Andres Diaz, who is running for Senior Class Representative, was prepared for the challenge.

“I aspire to leave behind a positive legacy for which future senior class representatives can follow,” Diaz said, “not only being good senior representatives, but good people as well.”

Diaz was also eager to help make senior year for his class memorable one.

“I hope to provide a fun-filled experience for every senior within my class to cherish and remember for the rest of their lives,” Diaz said. “Whether it be with senior sunsets, blacklight rallies, and even new activities that are yet to be implemented.”

Although seniors were not able to vote in the elections, the seniors in ASB still carried a heavy load during elections. ASB Vice President Marjan Abubo was in charge of the election process and has reviewed the candidates’ applications.

“They are definitely representing Downey High School to the best of their ability,” Abubo said, “so good character basically covers what our ASB is all about.”

The results of the elections were announced on Fri., Apr. 4. Priscilla Rolon and Joey Flores were elected ASB President and Vice President, respectively. Andrew Sanchez was elected for ASB Secretary, and Catherine Ham emerged victorious in the race for Treasurer.

Dylan Moreno and Austin Rodriguez were elected for Senior Class President and Vice President, respectively. For juniors, Carlos Agredano and Kenneth Miranda were victorious in their campaigns for President and Vice President. Jonathan Jin and Solymar Lopez were elected for Sophomore Class President and Vice President, respectively.

The ASB elections have determined the upcoming leaders of our school. The candidates are prepared for the challenge of planning the events and committing themselves to the school.

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About the Contributors
Photo of Edward Valencia
Edward Valencia, Writer/Parents and Teachers Editor
Senior Edward Valencia seems to have it all figured out, with his positive attitude and dreams towards becoming a journalist. Valencia knows what he wants and where he wishes to go. He is constantly striving to get his voice heard which is one of the reasons why he decided to become a writer for the The Downey Legend. Valencia’s determination and optimism is what is going to be his rock in his journey to be successful. His interests in being a writer are to express himself in the most non-biased way possible.


When Valencia isn’t busy preparing for his future wishes in journalism, he is off playing Call of Duty and listening to The Beatles. Since Valencia often keeps an open mind when it comes to the future he knows he can come to be successful and wishes to major in Political Science and wants to work for Time magazine. Valencia seems to be pretty content on how he is doing. “I’m just looking for the best path that fits me,” Valencia said.
Photo of Juan Munguia
Juan Munguia, Photographer
Juan Munguia, a 17-year-old social butterfly, is one of the new photographers to join The Downey Legend. Munguia took this opportunity to improve his skills as a photographer and is striving to show people things they have never seen before. He aims to start shooting some behind the scenes material this year. Although he describes photography as a “cool little hobby,” he has made it his personal mission to make sure every photo he takes is close to perfect.


Not only is Munguia a photographer, he is a food fanatic and a dog lover. When he isn’t snapping pictures of his husky, Mishka, or chowing down on pastrami fries from The Hat, he is spending quality time with friends or playing basketball. Munguia’s friends would describe him as an outgoing guy who would do anything for others. He isn’t afraid of making new friends and stepping outside of his comfort zone. He plans on spending two years at Cerritos College and then hopes to join the fire academy. “Being able to help someone is amazing,” Munguia said “but being able to save their life is even better.” He hopes to accomplish his lifelong goal of becoming a firefighter in the next 10 years.

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