Everything you need to know about the Tardy Policy and Mr. Houts’ announcement

Fatima Garcia, Writer

Mr. Houts made an announcement to the Vikings here at Downey High during fifth period regarding the Tardy Policy. Mr. Houts was not very content with the large number of students -and even staff- being tardy on a regular basis. Students are barely adjusting to the new schedule after a year and a half of quarantine. 

Getting to school on time is important mainly because enough tardies can lower your grade by a whole letter!

Without further adieu, here are the numbers and statistics that every Viking should know to ensure a few tardies aren’t the cause of a lower grade. First of all the bell rings at 7:40, giving students ten minutes to be in class after the first bell. The second bell rings at 7:50, if you aren’t in class by then, you are late! Upon walking through the gates late, either an administrator or your teacher will send you to Tardy Sweep, hosted in room J4. Have your ID ready because it will need to get scanned in order for you to be able to go to class with a pass. 

Sure, Tardy Sweep doesn’t seem so bad the first few times, maybe even the third time doesn’t seem so bad either since the penalty is campus beautification- the act of cleaning up the school. However, the fifth time around is a penalty of Saturday school, the ninth is a referral for school attendance and anything after that starts to affect your grades. 

How do students feel about this policy and its upcoming strict enforcement? 

In an interview with Alyssa Rubio, 12, she expresses her opinion by stating, “I don’t think the policy is all that hard to follow, but when teenagers are forced to come back to school after a year and a half, it is hard for us to adjust.” Rubio also states, “I can see where the school is coming from and how Mr. Houts’ announcement makes sense but as a fellow Viking, give us a break. We are trying our best to show up on time.” 

Try to get to school on time Vikings! Sleeping in is for the weekends!