Is Donald Trump Down in the Dumps?

Melissa Hernandez, Staff Writer

With the California primaries rapidly approaching, on June 7, potential Republican nominee Donald Trump has been making a name for himself through controversy. One out of the three presidential candidates has mentioned building a wall between the US and Mexico, and the public’s reaction has resulted in satire games like Trump’s Wall and Trump Dump. Downey High’s students have strong opinions on his presidential campaign as it affects their future.


App Store games like Trump’s Wall and Trump Dump are intended to be a satirical joke towards Trump’s presidential campaign. These games make his ideals seem childish, however, they are giving Trump the attention that is desired. Whether that be negative or positive, it still makes his name reach corners of the country.


Although not able to vote, as he is a few days short, Juan Alvarez, 12, is against what Trump stands for, and believes that these games, along with the media, help his name become more known.


“Games like this certainly give him both types of press at the same time. When he comes up in the media it is mostly hate, they satirize him a lot, but it also attracts more attention,” Alvarez said. “People that defend his cause then say offensive comments only to make matters worse.”


Future voter, Alekxander Hernandez, 12, believes that Trump is not fit as a presidential candidate.


“As a businessman he’s great that’s why he has kept his money for so long. As a president I’m not so sure; I don’t want him to be our president,” Hernandez said. “Financially he might get everything in order, but there might be more societal problems.”


Like Hernandez, Brian Castro, 11, feels the same way. He believes that Trump will not be able to complete tasks as president, and will bring no good to the United States.


“I think people have this illusion that Trump can bring his ‘business savvy’ to the country, but I don’t think having an inheritance of millions of dollars from your dad should be considered ‘business savvy.’ I will say this, a president is supposed to be the representative of the entire nation,” Castro said. “When I see what Trump says and does, I can’t picture him as a representative of the entire nation. Yes, it’s good for getting yourself elected but when actually running the country I think Trump is going to have a hard time being accepted by the rest of the world.”


The 2016 election process has shown that Americans are vouching for an “outsider” candidate, Trump or Bernie Sanders. Through the support shown to these candidates they demonstrate how they do not fully trust politicians.


Castro sees this in the American public, and knows that this election will change future prospective candidates.


“It’s sad that nowadays we expect politicians to be corrupt, so Trump practically runs his campaign on now being a politician and openly bashes the established politicians,” Castro said. “Before Trump, the people usually saw an outsider as inexperienced, but now the people seem to be open to the idea of an outsider as we see with candidates like Trump and Sanders who are getting massive followings.”


This year’s election will truly shape the future of Americans for years to come. If possible remember to vote on June 7 at the local polls, and vote in the fall. Also remember to register at