A Trip Across the World

Dianna Jimenez, Staff Writer

Junior, Victoria Lopez, shares her thoughts and feelings about the mission trip she took to Romania, the first European country she has ever stepped foot in, accompanied by her fellow church members over Thanksgiving break.

Q1: How is Romanian culture similar/different to American culture?

A1: They [Romanians] dress really nice. Dressing nice for us [Americans] is like dressing casual for them. They also walk everywhere, especially because taxi fare is really expensive; you don’t see many cars. The language was easier for me to understand because of my Spanish background, since Romanian comes from Latin.

Q2: What did you take away from the trip?

A2: Honestly, I learned the importance of prayer and discipleship and to really live like a Christian.

Q3: What is one significant memory from the trip that you will never forget?

A3: I witnessed the residual effects of communism. One of the girls I met, she still remembers being a kid and rationing when communism still existed. Then one of the taxi drivers, while talking to him, he said that he wishes it were back to communism because at least everyone was paid the same. Some people really liked communism because now, like the cab driver, people don’t get paid as much; I got to see the different perspectives.


Q4: How did you recover from the jetlag?

A4: Well I got home like around three in the afternoon and then I fell asleep for like fourteen hours. Going there, you go forward ten hours so it was easy for me to recover from the jetlag but coming back was harder. It took me four to five days to get back to the hang of things.

Q5: Would you ever like to go back to Romania in the future? If so, why?

A5: Yes! I’m actually planning on going back after graduation for three months because I feel like I fell in love with the country. The gypsy family we stayed with were so loving and I felt like I was family.