Love listen

Vivian Buenrostro, Co-Editor-in-Cheif

Psychedelic rock band, Cheers Elephant, released their single “Speak Think” on Apr. 7 2015, three years after their second album release, Like Wind Blows Fire, back in 2012. Having discovered the group at the Echo Park Rising music festival that took place in Los Angeles this past summer, I had been anticipating the release of new music. Seeing their performance at Echo Park Rising was much like falling in love at first sight. Their happy-go-lucky vibe contrasted with the musty, dark show room—much like their sound.


This track began with a bass-line melody accompanied by tambourine downbeats and handclaps. If the West Coast vibe wasn’t evident with the lead singer’s voice, the lyrics, “Time waiting/ Slow motion/ Ride Waves in/ The ocean” confirm it. Although the group has mastered a modern day beach boy sound, their Philadelphia street rock roots managed to surface with an instrument heavy soli fading away into a mellow melody. Contrasting light and dark tones in their music is a signature move for this group; perhaps that is the reason for the highly infectious tracks being produced. The band has released a second single titled “Airliner” as they continue to work on their fourth album.